Did you know?

There are FIVE IMPORTANT CHOICES you can make every day to eat a healthy diet. These are:

  1. Eat two pieces of fruit every day. This can be fresh, canned, frozen or dried.
  2. Eat two handfuls of vegetables or salad every day. The more colorful the vegetables the better. Vegetables can be fresh, frozen or canned.
  3. Eat a palm size portion of lean red meat or chicken or fish every day. If you are vegetarian you can substitute with legumes, tofu, nuts or eggs instead.
  4. Use wholemeal and wholegrain breads, pasta, rice and grains instead of white or refined products
  5. Choose water as your main drink. Avoid sugar sweetened drinks and fruit juices.

This type of eating pattern focuses on fruit, vegetables, and lean protein.

After a Kidney Transplant

For people who have had a kidney transplant, there are several extra recommendations about eating that will help you stay healthy:

  • Avoid eating high risk foods or eating situations that might cause food poisoning. This includes raw or undercooked meats, chicken and seafood, soft cheeses, preprepared salads, cooked food that has been left at room temperature, and untreated or contaminated water.
  • Use reduced fat products to help you control your weight and blood lipids. This includes eating reduced fat milk and yogurt, baking or grilling instead of frying, trimming fat off meat and chicken, and avoiding added fats such as cream and salad creams / dressings

For more information you can contact your healthcare team or check the National Kidney Foundation’s website.

A Lot to Learn

After a kidney transplant, there is a lot to learn. Your diet will change several times after the transplant. Take a look at the Nutrition page to learn more about what your diet should include. The nutritionist at your transplant center can also help you find a diet that is right for you.